Health Care

Health Care

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Ethiopia is one of Africa’s poorest states ranking 99 out of 103 on the UNDP Human Poverty Index. Three-quarters of the population lack access to clean water, and four persons out of five live without proper sanitation.

Most problems stem from infectious diseases and malnourishment associated with poverty. These illnesses could be easily prevented. However, poor education, bad infrastructure, lack of safe water and sanitation, and inadequate health care make preventable illnesses too often deadly in Ethiopia.

The situation at Gorgora is even worst. There are many problems associated with healthcare at Gorgora and children, women, and seniors are the ones who suffer the most. Most Gorgorian’s do not have adequate access to health services. Even if there is a small clinic at Gorgora, it doesn’t have the necessary manpower, medicines, and medical equipments.

At present, because of financial limitations, we haven’t been able to implement any specific health care related projects. But discussions are underway with members and the local community to prioritize and solicit funds for the following projects:

•Provide support towards the maintenance of existing clinic infrastructure
•Construction of public toilet facilities to improve environmental hygiene
•Construction of public waste collection facilities
•Provision of drugs, medical supplies, and laboratory equipments to improve the quality of health services
•Provide support for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. Educate the public and also support those who are affected
•Provide an ambulance for the city as there is none at this time and the demand is very high. Public transport at Gorgora is very limited and the nearest hospital is located 41 miles away

Once the necessary funds are secured, projects will be prioritized working with the donors, members, and the local community.