
Teaching resources at Gorgora are limited or not existent at all. Because of this, education is one of the keys areas GRDA is determined to support the people of Gorgora. GRDA strongly believes that education is an important element in the development of Gorgora, thereby helping the community to get out of poverty and be self sufficient in the long run.


At present, because of financial limitations, we haven’t been able to implement any specific education related projects. But discussions are underway with members and the local community to prioritize and solicit funds for the following projects:

•Provide support towards the construction of new class rooms and/or maintenance of existing school infrastructures.
•Equip school libraries with necessary furniture and reading materials (reference books, text books, fictions, etc). It has been noted that the city doesn’t have a public library and the books in the school libraries are outdated.
•Support school laboratories with the necessary materials needed.
•Provision of school furniture such as desks, chairs, tables, blackboards, book shelves, etc
•Provision of instructional technology equipments such as computers, printers, typewriters, duplicating machines, etc. At present, it has been noted that none of the teachers or students have computers.
•Provide scholarship for outstanding students but are financially distressed to continue higher education.

Once the necessary funds are secured, projects will be prioritized working with the donors, members, and the local community.